Empowered Masters
Tibetan Wall Paintings of Mahasiddhas at Gyantse
Ulrich von Schroeder
These 15th-century images are the most splendid surviving painted representations
of Mahasiddhas in Tibet, yet they have never been published as an entire cycle until now.
This has largely been due to the exceedingly difficult task of identification.
224 pages with 91 colour illustrations.
Includes plan of temple, glossary, bibliography, concordance tables, and index.
Hardcover cloth bound (280 x 230 mm)
Serindia Publications, Chicago & Visual Dharma Publications, Ltd., Hong Kong – 2006
ISBN-10: 1-932476-24-5; ISBN-13: 978-1-932476-24-8
First Edition
80 CHF (Swiss Francs)
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